Clicking moves left Clicking moves right

Heading 2

Vicki & Steve – 2 things: 1.) it’s best to always start a chapter with the “leftcol” on its own line, as above.  No centering, heading, formatting, etc.  That way the system recognizes it just as it’s own piece of ‘code’.  And 2.) this text (the first bits of text in the Left Column on the first slide) will always be centered on the page.  I programmed the system to do that, so no need to center this stuff (which will help to keep the first “leftcol” to be non-formatted).

some text on the Right side

second page, left column text.  Note that the next “rightcol” doesn’t have anything in it.  But its necessary, because anytime the system sees the “leftcol” shortcode, it wants to see a “rightcol”, so that it knows which two columns get encapsulated in one “slide”.

Bada bing! 🙂

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